What is the best area to stay in Bangkok Thailand: When Is The Best Fourth Dimension To Catch Thailand?

Looking for the best fourth dimension to become to Thailand? Wherever you lot go inwards the world, it is of import to instruct the timing right. As far every bit Thailand is concerned, at that topographic point are no absolute extremes. If you lot tin terminate avoid the rainy flavour (July to October), it would in all probability hold upwards best, but if you lot can't, the pelting isn't permanent - it comes inwards bursts too cools things downwards later on it has gone!

The weather condition inwards Thailand is reasonable virtually times of year, although it sure enough gets hot during the summer! Nov through Feb are the coolest times of twelvemonth too at that topographic point is sure enough less pelting too therefore than at other times inwards the year. However, Thailand is a big province alongside a various landscape. There is somewhere to catch whatsoever fourth dimension of the twelvemonth you lot catch the kingdom.

The figure below shows the average rainfall inwards 4 cities each from a distinct regions of Thailand. Bangkok (central), Chiang Mai (north), Phuket (south), too Ubon Ratchathani (northeast).

Average Rainfall inwards Thailand (Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, too Ubon)
Thailand's Seasons

Regions of Thailand
Thailand's seasons are reasonably uniform through the country, but at that topographic point are some regional differences. Basically Thailand has iii seasons: summer, rainy too winter. The southern purpose of Thailand all the same does non convey a winter. What follows is a summary of the seasons every bit they behaviour on the kingdom's various regions:

Central Thailand too the East

In fundamental Thailand too the eastern provinces, the hot summertime weather condition starts only about mid Feb too goes on to April. In April, the extreme temperatures tin terminate become upwards to the xl degrees centigrade mark. The wintertime months are from mid Nov to mid February. There may actually hold upwards alone a few days of really mutual depression temperature weather condition during these months, but the menstruum leading upwards to the New Year's Day are a welcome time out from the oestrus throughout the residuum of the year. Aside from these days, visitors from Europe silent may experience the temperatures every bit beingness a combat warm during Thailand's winter, although non uncomfortably so. The rainy flavour kicks inwards only about May too goes on until October. The pelting is frequent too sometimes fierce. Usually rainstorms become on for only about thirty minutes or so. If you're visiting the beach destinations inwards the due east (Pattaya, Rayong, Koh Chang), the best fourth dimension is from Dec to May.

Northern Thailand too the Northeast

Northern Thailand too the Northeast convey the same basic seasons every bit those inwards the fundamental too eastern regions. The winters are though significantly cooler. Mountainous regions tin terminate instruct specially cold, on some occasions downwards to 0 degrees centigrade. In these parts, wintertime starts inwards Nov too goes on to February. Without uncertainty these are the best months for a catch to the North too Northeast - flowers are inwards bloom, it is dry out too cool, too inwards the mountains' mists too fogs ofttimes shape making what is already wonderful scenery quite exquisite. However, although hot, Apr is too a corking calendar month - during the Songkran Festival people volition virtually probable throw H2O at you… You volition hold upwards drenched therefore that volition cash inwards one's chips on you lot cool!

Southern Thailand

Southern Thailand's seasons are less distinct too actually at that topographic point are alone ii proper seasons - summertime too the rainy season. The Gulf of Thailand lies to the due east of the Thai peninsula spell the Andaman Sea lies to the west. Visiting areas due west of the peninsula (Phuket, Phang Nga, Krabi) is best done betwixt mid Nov too Apr to avoid the monsoons that occur during other months - monsoons manifestly brand visiting islands yesteryear boat hard too sometimes dangerous. Clearly they are best to hold upwards avoided. Areas due east of the peninsula (Koh Samui, Hat Yai) are best visited from Dec to June. However, visiting the Gulf of Thailand share is possible throughout the twelvemonth but those going to this share should banking concern represent the electrical current weather condition province of affairs to avoid rain. If you lot are planning to catch both sides of the coast during your remain inwards Thailand, Dec to Apr would hold upwards best.

Average low, high temperature, sunlight too rainfall inwards Thailand (Chiang Mai too Phuket)

Source: discoverythailand.com
Rainfall figure: http://www.thethaireport.com/?p=1067
Weather information: http://www.tmd.go.th/en/

Sumber http://spicy-thailand.blogspot.com/

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